Funny Truck Memes Funny Texas Weather Memes

Texas winter memes 2022 because y'all – its crazy here during the cold months in the Lone Star State!

Laugh so you don't cry because us Texans are cold, hurt and just lived through a week of ice cold hell.

Texas Winter Memes 2022

Let's summarize this post with this: if you are a Texan and experienced any of the following, know these were funny Texas winter memes are just for you.

best texas winter memes 2021
texas winter memes 2022

The Texas winter of 2021 had us without power, as well as seeing snow and ice for the first time in years.

funny winter meme - winter is like the mad girlfriend who keeps storming out then comes back screaming oh and another thing
funny winter meme

Winter is like the mad girlfriend who keeps storming out then comes back yelling "Oh and another thing!"

Fast forward to 2022, here we are freezing with ice and snow but at least this time we have power (for now.)

Texas Weather Meme hold my beer
Texas Weather Meme – Hold My Beer

Below zero temperatures, extreme cold weather, kids home from school ALL WEEK, rolling power outages, no electricity, power grid failure, frozen swimming pool, friends from the north laughing at you, frozen pipes or bursted pipes, sledding, snowmen, melting snow for water because you have no water, or a love for Texas winter snow memes. If any of those are applicable – these are for you.

Texas Snow Memes

It all started a week ago when the meteorologist mentioned Texas winter storm. Our local meteorologist (shout out to Pete Delkus) is great but when it comes to snow here in the lonestar states – the forecast is hit or miss.

texas weather powerball numbers meme
Texas Weather Memes – Powerball

Fast forward to Valentine's day weekend and we quickly realized that winter was coming and that we needed to prepare for cold weather.

Texas Cold Meme

A lovely Valentine's date to Home Depot to winterize our house that we've lived in for 6 years and have never seen covered in snow. Well, that all changed and when the cold weather showed up, it did not play games.

texas lent meme
Texans and Lent meme – we gave up big things, thankfully not for 40 days!

The best part about this past week was not the beautiful snow was the Texas winter storm memes.

texas closed meme
Texas Weather Meme – Closed

Last week, Texas down right closed. Everything from Walmart to our local Walgreens (which was still closed as of yesterday) shut down. Well, Whataburger stay open until it couldn't – more on that later.

texas chili meme about winter

We totally made chili last weekend when we realized that the weather was in deed going to be freezing cold.

no mosquitos texas meme

By nature, my attitude tries to find the good in bad situations. So Texas winter memes 2021 for laughter and good news – we haven't seen any mosquitos… yet.

texas meme weather after winter
no more snow meme

No Electricity Memes

Cold weather happens, but when it is below zero and you have no electricity – we are talking a whole new game. These no electricity memes are almost too soon for those of us who were hit with this!

stars at night no lights texas meme
Texas Weather Memes – Stars at Night are Big and Bright

We went outside at night, and the Texas night sky was BRIGHT with stars – sadly because there were no lights. And it was freezing.

Life with No Power

We are use to our nice HOT weather with a few sprinkles of cold days. We are not made to live without electricity.

maury texas no electricity meme
no electricity meme

No power, how desperate were you to get your hands on a power generator?

generator texas winter meme
power generator meme

This photo of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's grandpa and grandparents in the living room, huddled together to stay warm was the reality of Texans with no power.

charlie grandpa winter meme

Texas Power Grid Memes

Over 4 million Texans were hit with electric issues due to the Texas power grid failing.

texas requires repair meme

It was discovered that the ERCOT power grid was minutes from complete failure. If that happened, Texans could have been without electricity for months.

texas blackout memes
#1 state – including in blackouts!

Dallas Cowboys Let Us Down

We are a tough bunch, just look at our football team.

texas electric meme dallas cowboys
Dallas Cowboys Funny meme

Like our electric, ERCOT and our TX government – the Dallas Cowboys let us down as well.

Energy Snowpocalypse Bingo

Can you get a snowpocalypse bingo? Texas winter memes 2021 would not be complete without this "fun" game of Texas Energy Crisis Snowpocalypse Bingo.

texas energy bingo meme
Texas Energy Crisis Bingo – I never want to play this again.

I can! 4 corners, on the Bingo card – plus some.

Rolling Blackouts

If you have never experienced rolling blackouts, consider yourself lucky. These were surprise power blackouts. You had no idea when your electricity would quit.

rolling blackouts meme

Making food is spot on with this rolling blackouts meme! Cooking seriously was like playing Chopped in real life!

No Water in Texas Memes

Another fun (not fun) thing that had to be included in our Texas winter memes 2021 collection is No Water Memes!

Did I also mention that along with no power, Texas had no water? Well, not everyone but there were millions impacted with either no water or with boil orders.

boil water meme

Getting a boil water notice when you have no water and no electricity is really like a slap in the face!

texas no water meme
All the toilet paper but no water for the toilet!

Here we were sharing funny toilet paper memes in 2020, now 2021 – we got all the toilet paper we need but yet we have no toilet water!

kid rock meme no shower

3 days without a shower sucks. When there are 6 of you that haven't showered in 3 days it sucks and it is smelly!

rich plumbers meme

Plumbers and electricians will be doing just great with the power outages, water pipe issues and so on.

frozen pipes texas
frozen water from pipe leak coming from ceiling forming icicles – Texas winter storm 2021 photo

This frozen water pipe photo is crazy, but this type of water pipe burst in Texas was totally normal. Having lived thru this for un-weather related house issues, I can tell empathize with anyone who has had a water leak. Frozen pipes, busted pipes and no water is not fun – especially when you have no electric!

Going to Whataburger Memes

You can freeze Texas roads, cut off our electricity and water and deliver below zero temperatures. Texas will still find a way to get to Whataburger!

texas snow whataburger meme

These Whataburger memes are so Texan! We have friends who waited over 2 hours to get their snowed in Whataburger fix.

gave proof through the night texas whataburger meme
Texans love their Whataburger

The line was wrapped around the street. Texans love their Whataburgers!

We Don't Do Winter Here – Texas Snow Memes

When we say that Texans don't know how to do winter, we are serious. These Texas snow memes are exactly the crazy I saw on my Facebook feed over the last week.

texas no snow clothes meme
Texas snow meme – we don't own snow clothes, thats the truth!

Our kids' warmest clothes are their flannel pajamas from Christmas. So what did our TX kids wear to play in the snow? Yep.

We layered up with multiple hoodies because our kids outgrew their winter jackets 2 years ago! And yes, our boys wear short year round.

Snowman with a Gun

Of course, even the Texas snowmen have guns.

texas snowman meme
Texas Snow Memes – How Texans Make Snowmen – with a gun

How Texans Play in the Snow

While people in cold climates own sleds so that they can play in the snow, Texans do it different. Sure, some do DIY sleds.

texans winter snow meme
Texas Weather Meme –

But why don't worry about a DIY sled when you can just pull a couch with a truck! From trucks pulling kids with a rope on the roads to golf carts towing kids in buckets – snow play in Texas is crazy.

texans in the snow meme
Texas Snow Memes – Texans, trucks and snow – not a good combo.

Margarita Recipe

When we see the words ice and salt, here in TX we think MARGARITAS.

texas winter margarita meme

Don't miss our margarita memes.

Winter in Texas

Texas weather memes because in TX, our average temperatures in February are a high of 61 and a low of 41 degrees. We are not sure to this below freezing crap that winter 2021 delivered!

texas winter weather meme copperhead

Texas Winter Weather Memes

Bi-polar is probably the best way to describe Texas weather in general. These Texas winter weather memes are not joking. Seriously, y'all with a Tuesday, February 16, 2021 wind chill of -16 degrees – it was hell naw degrees outside.

hell naw degrees winter meme

But like all things here in the Lonestar state, we change quickly.

Will it rain, or will it snow? I live in Texas so I do not know. This Dr Seuss Texas weather meme nails it.

dr seuss meme about texas weather will it rain will it snow, i live in texas so i do not know
Don't miss these Dr Seuss quotes for kids!

Us Texans, NEVER know what the weather will be.

texas winter weather meme

Today in Dallas, our high is 61 degrees.

texas weather meme elsa arrested

Dallas will have a high temperature of 71 degrees this week!

winter texas weather meme

North Vs South Weather

We heard it all week long from the people up north who experience snow and cold temperatures for weeks on end. So these Texas winter memes are replies to all of those northerners hating on the south!

trial of living in alaska meme

I'm done with the 7 day free trial on living in Alaska. Alaska maybe the largest state, but Texas is the greatest state (as long as it doesn't have Alaska weather!)

northerners in texas summer meme

To all the yankees saying Texas can't handle winter. You are right. But also.

norterners meme about texas winter

110+ degrees is not unheard of during a Texas winter.

north vs south winter meme

Texas Winter Groundhog Memes

Back on Groundhog's day 2021, Punxsutawney Phil predicted 6 more weeks of winter.

groundhog winter texas meme

Texas challenging the groundhog to wrap up a Texas winter in 3-5 business days. Level complete.

groundhog texas weather meme

That doesn't mean that Texans will let that rodent live. Texans and their guns.

you tell that groundhog that i am coming and hell is coming with me groundhog meme

More Funny Memes About Texas Winter Storm 2021

Texas winter memes because again, let's laugh. We are good folks who pull together in tough times.

Stay at home texas 2021 meme

We're in the midst of a pandemic and now a national disaster.

travel plans this week be like to the window to the wall and then down the hall – funny winter meme

Snow Funny Memes

These funny Texas winter memes are applicable anywhere. We just happened to use them a lot this past week.

This must be the weather our parents walked to school in - winter meme

Inches upon inches of snow on top of ice and it wouldn't stop.


Yes, it totally felt like being in a snowglobe!

i feel like we are stuck inside of a snow globe and some keeps shaking it funny texas winter memes 2021

And it doesn't matter where you are. We still got the robo-calls trying to sell us an extended car warranty.

car extended warranty meme

Free snowman, some assembly required. This looks like an Ikea snowman.

Ikea Snowman Meme

Cover your weiners, it's cold. And for the love – please keep your dogs inside.

Cold Weather Memes – Keep Dogs and Weiners Warm!

My favorite of the Texas snow memes has got to be freezer bern. Yes, the funny Bernie Sanders meme made into a snowman.

Bernie Sanders Mittens

Stay Warm, Texas

I think this final funny meme sums up all of us in 2021. We are tired of living through historical events.

2020 and Now 2021 – Tired of Living Through Historical Events

Stay warm, Texas. And to our TX government, please get your crap together so when our weather goes crazy we continue to have power. Mkay? Thx.

How to Help Texans

Millions experienced power outages and water issues.

texas strong logo

If you are wanting to help – here are a few options:

  • Volunteer at a food pantry.
  • Check on your Texas friends and see if they are okay.
  • Donate money – North Texas Food Bank is a great charity supporting Texans.
  • More ways to help Texans

Texas Winter Memes 2021 is part of the Funny Memes series on Digital Mom Blog


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